National Prevention Week Toolkit
The National Prevention Week planning and promotional materials were created to help your ongoing prevention efforts. You can help raise awareness about the importance of positive mental health and substance use prevention by hosting prevention events and sharing promotional materials to connect your community event or outreach with the National Prevention Week movement.
If you have questions about how, or when, to get involved, e-mail SAMHSA’s National Prevention Week coordinator David Wilson at david.wilson@samhsa.hhs.gov.
Planning Your Event
Access and download templates, tools, and support for participating. Don’t forget to register your event on the Community Events page to share your National Prevention Week activities.
These resources provide you with more detail about the observance.
There are endless ways to bring National Prevention Week to your community. Get ideas for hosting an event that’s right for your community.
Promote Your Event
There are many ways to promote your National Prevention Week event—from traditional media outreach to social media engagement and local word-of-mouth. Use our promotional tools, organized by topic, to reach the right people in your community.
Tap your “inner circle” first, then expand to broader groups, like your mayor’s office, with a request to issue a proclamation about National Prevention Week. These resources will help you get started.
News stories about your organization, event, or how your prevention efforts tie to National Prevention Week are great hooks for the media. Before you reach out to the media in your community, check out some tips and templates and use our sample radio scripts for further exposure.
Watch this video (2 minutes, 19 seconds) for tips on how to increase your social media engagement!
Another great way to capture widespread attention is through a video public service announcement (PSA). Learn more about developing and disseminating successful video PSAs.
Most individuals leave a prevention-focused event filled with enthusiasm and a desire to make a difference. Tap into this enthusiasm to keep the momentum going in your community long after your event concludes.
Widen the reach and impact of your prevention efforts by considering how you can sustain current partnerships and create new ones. Collaboration is key!
Partners are key to creating prevention efforts that sustain themselves over time. National Prevention Week is the perfect opportunity to reach new groups and build a platform for year-round engagement and collaboration.
Watch this video (1 minute, 34 seconds) on securing National Prevention Week event sponsors!
Find Partners
Consider who can help you get the word out and then work with these groups in a way that’s a win-win for you both. Avoid pitfalls by checking out our tips for working with partners.
Reach Out to Sponsors
Sponsors can offer in-kind or financial support, adding critical resources to help make your event a reality. Our template can take the guesswork out of structuring sponsorship agreements so that they’re a win-win for all parties involved.
Help Them Help You
Everyone is busy and forced to do more with less. Make it easy for others to support you by giving partners and stakeholders ready-made language and materials that they can send out through their networks. Tailor our materials to your event and organization’s information for better results.
Digital Toolkit
The following materials are designed to be shared with your audiences and across your media channels; they are downloadable and shareable, and some of the material is customizable. Don’t forget to use the National Prevention Week hashtag, #NationalPreventionWeek24, when sharing any National Prevention Week–related content!
Post Copy - All Platforms: #DYK substance use can cause changes in a person’s brain that make them more likely to develop a #mentalhealth disorder? Join us May 12–18 to learn more about #substanceuse prevention & positive mental health: samhsa.gov/prevention-week #NationalPreventionWeek24
Alt-text: Image of the National Prevention Week logo with the tagline “A Celebration of Possibility.”
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Post Copy - All Platforms: #Mentalhealth and #substanceuse disorders are often connected. During #NationalPreventionWeek24 learn about prevention and mental health promotion best practices & new initiatives from experts in the field: samhsa.gov/prevention-week
Alt-text: Image of a calendar icon with text that reads “Save the date. May 12–18, 2024” and the National Prevention Week logo
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Post Copy - All Platforms: Over 1 in 4 adults with a serious #mentalhealth problem also have a substance use issue. #NationalPreventionWeek24 is highlighting the nationwide efforts & initiatives to prevent #substanceuse and promote mental health. Learn how you can get involved: samhsa.gov/prevention-week
Alt-text: Image of a group of five smiling young adults with the National Prevention Week logo and the dates May 12–18, 2024.
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Post Copy - All Platforms: Teachers & parents play a crucial role in shaping how children learn & grow. During #NationalPreventionWeek24 we encourage you to talk about #mentalhealth and #substanceuse prevention. Download games & activities to help: samhsa.gov/prevention-week/community-events/activities
Alt-text: Animated GIF of the National Prevention Week logo with an image of six smiling kids.
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Post Copy - All Platforms: The #substanceuse prevention & #mentalhealth landscape continues to evolve to better meet the pressing issues of today. Hear from leaders in the field as they showcase prevention initiatives happening across the country: samhsa.gov/prevention-week #NationalPreventionWeek24
Alt-text: Image of a group of six smiling individuals with the National Prevention Week logo and the dates May 12–18, 2024.
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Interactive Instagram Story – Quiz:
Instructions: Instagram quizzes are a great way to get your audience thinking about substance use prevention and positive mental health. To add a quiz, open Instagram and select “Add to story” and upload the first image below. Click the smiling box icon then select “Quiz” from the menu. A quiz box will appear over the image. You can adjust the size of the quiz box to match the outline in the image. Add the question to the top of the box and the following answers. Make sure you select “D. All of the Above” as the correct answer! Then, upload the second image as a follow-up story.
Question: Symptoms of substance use disorders may include
A: Behavioral Changes
B: Physical Changes
C: Social Changes
D: All of the Above [Correct Answer]
Quiz Template Alt-text: Outline of a rectangular box with the National Prevention Week logo.
Story Alt-text: Image with text that reads “Visit samhsa.gov/prevention-week to learn more about the substance use prevention initiatives happening nationwide” with the National Prevention Week logo
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Post Copy - All Platforms: #MyPreventionStory is a way for us to share our #mentalhealth and #substanceuse prevention experiences. For ideas on how you can participate, thought starters that can inspire your story, and examples, visit samhsa.gov/prevention-week/my-prevention-story
Alt-text: An image of a #MyPreventionStory that reads "When we work in prevention we witness miracles every day." with the National Prevention Week logo.
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Post Copy - All Platforms: Help amplify the power of prevention by sharing your story using #MyPreventionStory! Whether it’s how you’re preventing #substanceuse or promoting better #mentalhealth, every journey is unique. Your story can inspire change. Learn how to get involved: samhsa.gov/prevention-week/my-prevention-story
Alt-text: Image of various written prevention stories with the #MyPreventionStory frame.
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Post Copy - All Platforms: We’re proud to support #mentalhealth and prevent #substanceuse in our community! Join us and others around the country by visiting samhsa.gov/prevention-week. #NationalPreventionWeek24
Alt-text: Image of the National Prevention Week badge with text that reads: “Celebrating possibilities. Proud partner in keeping communities healthy and safe” and the National Prevention Week logo.
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Post Copy - All Platforms: #NationalPreventionWeek24 is a health education platform that promotes new ideas and initiatives to help keep communities healthy & safe. Join us as we celebrate the #substanceuse prevention and #mentalhealth efforts happening nationwide! Learn more: samhsa.gov/prevention-week
Alt-text: Image of a group of eight smiling young adults with the National Prevention Week logo and the dates May 12–18, 2024.
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Post Copy - All Platforms: As part of #NationalPreventionWeek24 we’re planning [YOUR EVENT NAME] on [DATE] to raise awareness about the importance of substance use #prevention & positive #mentalhealth! Learn more at [EVENT URL OR CONTACT INFORMATION].
Alt-text: Animated GIF of the National Prevention Week logo with the "we" being drawn in and the tagline "A Celebration of Possibility"
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To download the backgrounds below, click on the thumbnail image and then right click and "Save As..."
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Virtual Background 1 (PNG | 435 KB)
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Virtual Background 2 (PNG | 374 KB)
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Virtual Background 3 (PNG | 576 KB)
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To download the email signatures below, click on the thumbnail image and then right click and "Save As..."
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Email Signature 1 (PNG | 36 KB)
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To download the logo, click on the thumbnail image and then right click and "Save As..."
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To download the image below, click on the thumbnail image and then right-click and "Save As..." The stickers are 2.5 in diameter and can be printed using standard printing labels.
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Incorporate this badge into your promotional materials and website to show your commitment to substance use prevention and positive mental health!
To download the badge, click on the thumbnail image and then right click and "Save As..."
Social Media Badges
Post Copy - Facebook: Through our ongoing work in preventing substance use and promoting positive mental health, we are committed to helping keep our community healthy and safe. Join us and learn more today by visiting samhsa.gov/prevention-week. @SAMHSA #NationalPreventionWeek24
X (Twitter)/Threads Post Copy: During #NationalPreventionWeek24 and beyond, [your organization] is committed to raising awareness about the importance of substance use #prevention & positive #mentalhealth. Join us & learn more: samhsa.gov/prevention-week. @SAMHSAgov
Post Copy - Instagram: I am proud to be a partner in #prevention! Join me and those who celebrated #NationalPreventionWeek24 as we work to prevent substance use & promote positive #mentalhealth to keep our communities healthy and safe. Learn more: samhsa.gov/prevention-week. @samhsagov
Post Copy - LinkedIn: [Your organization] is proud to be a partner in #prevention! Join us as we work to prevent substance use & promote positive #mentalhealth to keep our communities healthy and safe. Learn more: samhsa.gov/prevention-week. @Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) #NationalPreventionWeek24
To download the banner below, click on the thumbnail image and then right click and "Save As..."
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Get the latest federal prevention resources and materials to plan events and activities in your community.
The National Prevention Week Wristband Toolkit is your go-to resource for prevention data, publications, and information. This wristband doubles as a flash drive and comes preloaded with all of the tools and resources you need to jump-start prevention efforts in your community.
Wristbands are free and are available for bulk ordering in quantities up to 50 max. per order for your National Prevention Week events and activities. Please allow up to two weeks for shipping.
To order, email david.wilson@samhsa.hhs.gov and include your name, organization, quantity, date needed, mailing address, and phone number.
To download the images below, click on the thumbnail image and then right click and "Save As..."