Mirna Herrera, M.A. MT-BC, CPS, born and raised in Nazareth, Israel, came to the U.S. to pursue her M.A. in music therapy after completing her B.A. in psychology and in Musicology. During her internship at University Health in Kansas City she learned about the peer support profession which became her passion. Since then, she received the Missouri Mental Health Champion award for the work she has accomplished as the Director of a consumer run drop in center. She then restructured peer support services at UH, creating a peer support department. And, through collaboration with the ATTC and SAMHSA she piloted a career ladder option for the peer support team utilizing CHW certifications. She also expanded services into the community by creating peer navigator programs for the Kansas City public library and the UMKC library. She worked as a consultant with the Mid-America ATTC expanding peer support TA’s across the region, as well as advocating and training various audiences on Naloxone and harm reduction. She is also passionate about Trauma informed care, as she herself lives with PTSD, and has trained and consulted for multiple organizations across the state. She worked with the Missouri Credentialing Board as a trainer and assisted in developing the current curriculum for peer certifications, and introduced two new certifications; Advanced Peer Supervision, and Recovery Support Services for Pregnant and Parenting families with SUD. In her current role as SAMHSA’s regional behavioral health advisor, she continues to focus her work on peer support and recovery services in region 7.

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