History and Background
On April 1, 2014, the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA) was signed into law. Section 223 of PAMA established the CCBHC model. Scroll to learn more about the history of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics.
Initially authorized through Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014.
Released Certification Criteria and Prospective Payment Guidance, 24 State Planning Grants awarded.
8 States started Section 223 CCBHC Demonstration Programs (MN, MO, NY, NJ, NV, OK, OR, and PA).
First 52 CCBHC-Expansion Grants awarded with $100M in appropriations (program has expanded every year since – now at $385M/year there are more than 450 active grantees nationally).
Additional States added to the Section 223 CCBHC Demonstration (KY and MI, authorized by Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act).
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act authorizes addition of up to 10 states to the Demonstration every two years. The CCBHC-E program was realigned to meet the needs of the community by creating two tracks with the PDI and IA grants to assist in development and then implementation of CCBHCs.
15 Planning Grants awarded, updated Certification Criteria released, guidance released for existing Demonstration states to add CCBHCs.
Up to 10 additional states able to join the demonstration by July 1.
Up to 15 additional planning grants to be awarded.
Up to 10 additional demonstration states added.
Additional demonstration states added every two years.
Federal Partners
Three Federal Agencies work collaboratively to implement the CCBHC Demonstration.
- SAMHSA is responsible for administration of the 1-year CCBHC planning grants for the purpose of developing proposals to participate in a time-limited Demonstration program, development and oversight of the CCBHC program criteria including clinic certification requirements, and CCBHC quality measure development and reporting. Also, SAMHSA administers the CCBHC-Expansion Grants.
- CMS is responsible for development and oversight of the CCBHC Prospective Payment System (PPS) requirements, development and oversight of the CCBHC cost-report to support PPS rate development, and Federal Medical Assistance Percentage (FMAP) claimed expenditures under the Demonstration.
- The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation develops reports on data collected by the CCBHC programs. ASPE is responsible for conducting an independent national evaluation of the CCBHC Demonstration. Evaluation activities are used to generate annual CCBHC Reports to Congress and Evaluation reports as required by Statute.
Types of CCBHCs
There are three types of CCBHCs:
- CCBHCs in the Section 223 CCBHC Demonstration,
- CCBHCs in independent state CCBHC programs outside of the Demonstration, and
- CCBHCs supported through SAMHSA’s expansion grants.
To learn more about these three types of CCBHC’s and how to become a CCBHC, download Types of Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics and Pathways to Becoming One.