- Awards
- Awards by State
Displaying 1 - 25 out of 419
Award Number | Organization | City | State | Amount | Award FY | NOFO | ||||
SM083480-05 | Shawnee Mental Health Center, Inc. | Portsmouth | OH | $400,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM083454-05 | Wichita & Affiliated Tribes | Anadarko | OK | $400,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM083481-05 | University of Central Florida | Orlando | FL | $700,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
TI083380-05 | Prevention Links, Inc. | Roselle | NJ | $500,000 | 2025 | TI-20-013 | ||||
Title: Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Support Grant
Project Period: 2021/02/28 - 2026/02/27
Short Title: Workforce Support N/A
SM083450-05 | Mental Health Center of Greater Manchester Inc, The | Manchester | NH | $400,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM083435-05 | Oklahoma Dept of Mental Hlth/Subs Abuse | Oklahoma City | OK | $700,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
TI083407-05 | Merakey Parkside Recovery | Lafayette Hill | PA | $364,449 | 2025 | TI-20-013 | ||||
Title: Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Support Grant
Project Period: 2021/02/28 - 2026/02/27
Short Title: Workforce Support N/A
SM083452-05 | Indiana University Health, Inc. | Indianapolis | IN | $399,766 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM083409-05 | Kalamazoo Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services | Kalamazoo | MI | $400,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM083424-05 | Hope Network Behavioral Health Service, Inc. | Grand Rapids | MI | $270,406 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM083485-05 | Family Endeavors, Inc. | San Antonio | TX | $399,948 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
TI083425-05 | East Carolina University | Greenville | NC | $499,724 | 2025 | TI-20-013 | ||||
Title: Treatment, Recovery, and Workforce Support Grant
Project Period: 2021/02/28 - 2026/02/27
Short Title: Workforce Support N/A
SM083430-05 | Commonwealth Healthcare Corporation | Saipan | MP | $700,000 | 2025 | SM-20-015 | ||||
Title: Grants to Implement Zero Suicide in Health Systems
Project Period: 2021/03/31 - 2026/03/30
Short Title: Zero Suicide N/A
SM090298-01 | West Virginia Dept of Human Services | Charleston | WV | $1,000,000 | 2025 | SM-25-001 | ||||
Title: FY 2025 Cooperative Agreements for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Planning Grants
Project Period: 2024/12/31 - 2025/12/30
Short Title: CCBHC Planning Grants West Virginia CCBHC Planning Grant 2024 Project Abstract West Virginia's Department of Human Services, Bureau for Behavioral Health (BBH) and Bureau for Medical Services (BMS) developed this project, the West Virginia CCBHC Planning Grant 2024. BBH is the SAMHSA federally designated Single State Authority for the Mental Health and substance use disorder services, and the lead agency for Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. The BMS is the designated Single State agency responsible for the administration of the State's Medicaid program. Together BBH and BMS will address four priorities through the planning grant to expand state and provider capacity, increase access and services, including: • Expand behavioral healthcare coverage statewide in all 55 counties • Prioritize reaching populations demonstrating significant need or who are traditionally under-served • Build additional state capacity to collect, analyze and report data • Develop and submit the application for the CCBHC Demonstration Program Statewide coverage West Virginia will work to expand coverage in 17 counties in the Eastern and Northern panhandles and an adjacent area, where almost 20% of residents reside. Objectives include: • Provide TA and other support for CBHCs that have made great strides towards CCBHC transformation. Prioritized populations The state has identified six priority populations for additional provider outreach and targeted partnership and best practice strategies for engaging: • Racial/ethnic groups that historically have experienced disparities • Returning/reentering citizens from incarceration • People experiencing homelessness • At risk children and youth • Veterans and active military service members • People who utilize the EDs and are admitted for inpatient care with a particular focus on survivors of overdose and suicide attempts or at risk for suicide. As a result of this outreach, providers will serve at least 10% more of each identified group. Expanded State capacity West Virginia has made significant progress towards CCBHC implementation to date. The state has fully final CCBHC criteria, a CCBHC provider manual, an established cost reporting process, and has finalized its full CCBHC certification process. The state is in the final stages of CMS review of its State Plan Amendment. This award will enable state leadership to establish the capacity to oversee and manage the CCBHC program, using two main strategies: 1) Leverage the state’s plan to evaluate CCBHC implementation to inform capacity building priorities; and 2) Review current data collection and performance measurement processes to identify any changes needed for CCBHCs. In the first six months the state will evaluate CCBHC implementation, identify gaps in capacity and data collection for quality measure reporting and in services for populations served. The BBH and BMS will incorporate evaluation findings, gather requirements, and write a detailed plan for ensuring CCBHC data capture and extraction for the data submission process. In the second six months, BBH and BMS will implement the plan.
SM090299-01 | Utah Department of Health and Human Services | Salt Lake City | UT | $1,000,000 | 2025 | SM-25-001 | ||||
Title: FY 2025 Cooperative Agreements for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Planning Grants
Project Period: 2024/12/31 - 2025/12/30
Short Title: CCBHC Planning Grants Utah DHHS is applying for the Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) planning grant to develop the framework for the implementation of a state CCBHC certification program. Three agencies, Volunteers of America, Utah, Project Reality, and Valley Behavioral Health, will work as pilot sites. Within the Utah Medicaid program, behavioral health services are delivered primarily through 1115 waiver authority using capitation. Recent Utah Medicaid options have increased integration across mental health, substance use, and physical health services, and expanded funding mechanisms. This has opened the door for an integrated CCBHC model within the state. The following goals will build both the service capacity of the pilot sites, while addressing the CCBHC certification criteria, and appropriate collection and use of data for quality improvement. Goal 1. Completion of State and Community Needs Assessments Objective 1: Ongoing state-wide gaps and barriers in mental health and substance use treatment will be identified using the Kem Gardner state-wide mental health and preliminary substance use needs assessments. Objective 2: Local gaps and barriers in mental health and substance use treatment will be identified with local needs assessments for pilot site catchment areas, with an emphasis on Populations with the highest needs populations. Goal 2. Expand Capacity for Behavioral Health Services Meeting Certification Criteria Objective 1: Two outreach and engagement strategies for the population of focus will be implemented for each project site. Objective 2: Each project site will maintain SAMHSA grantee criteria and meet any additional Utah specific criteria. Objective 3: UDHHS will work with CCBHC sites to recruit and retain a workforce, reflective of the service population. This work will extend into the Demonstration phase. Goal 3. Facilitation of Procedural and Organizational Changes Objective 1: Local sites will work with Utah Medicaid for the development of sustainable PPS's for CCBHC services. Objective 2: Local sites will refine current governance boards to include individuals and family members with lived experience. Objective 3: UDHHS and pilot sites will work together to develop data collection and capacity for HHS reporting and quality improvement. This work will extend into the Demonstration phase. While these are aggressive goals for the short timeline of 12 months, the groundwork has been established to ensure that objectives will be completed unless otherwise noted. Lessons learned will be carried forward to assist other sites that are poised to transform to a certified CCBHC. Utah Medicaid and the Office of Substance Use and Mental Health (SUMH), both housed in the Division of Integrated Healthcare, will work together to address the objectives within the proposed project.
SM090309-01 | D. C. Department of Behavioral Health | Washington | DC | $1,000,000 | 2025 | SM-25-001 | ||||
Title: FY 2025 Cooperative Agreements for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Planning Grants
Project Period: 2024/12/31 - 2025/12/30
Short Title: CCBHC Planning Grants The District of Columbia (DC) Department of Behavioral Health (DBH) and the DC Department of Health Care Finance (DHCF) intend to use the FY 2025 Cooperative Agreements for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic (CCBHC) Planning Grant (NOFO No. SM-25-001) to expand access to comprehensive, low-barrier behavioral health services for all District residents through the adoption of CCBHCs. The subpopulations of focus for the Planning Grant and Demonstration will be individuals adversely affected by poverty or inequality, those with serious mental illness (SMI), children with severe emotional disturbance (SED), individuals with substance use disorders (SUD), and older adults with significant medical co-morbidities. DBH serves around 48,905 individuals, of these, 90% receive mental health treatment, 10% receive SUD treatment, and 6% receive both. In DC, 29% of adults have any mental illness, but 55% do not receive treatment. Among youth, 7% experience severe Major Depressive Episodes, with 41% not receiving treatment. For those 12 and older, 23% have a SUD, yet 75% do not receive treatment. DC also has the second-highest overdose rate in the country. Black/African American residents make up 41% of the population but 67% of DBH service recipients. Among DBH clients, 12% are under 18, 9% are over 65, and 98% of SUD clients are adults. Among mental health clients, 48% are male; among SUD clients, 64% are male. Additionally, 39% of DBH mental health clients are unemployed, with 17% experiencing homelessness. For those in SUD treatment, 58% are unemployed, and 50% are homeless. The District offers a wide range of behavioral health services but recognizes the need to expand access to comprehensive, person-centered, trauma-informed, and evidence-based care. If awarded the Planning Grant, DC will enhance its behavioral health infrastructure by preparing clinics to become CCBHCs, which will provide a single access point for services across all age groups, improve integration with primary care, and standardize evidence-based practices. During the Planning Grant period, DBH will prepare 4 prospecti |