Non-Competing Continuation Application
SAMHSA Discretionary grants for a project period containing more than one budget period must apply for continued funding before SAMHSA can award the next budget period of the project.
Continuation awards will depend on the availability of funds, recipient progress in meeting project goals and objectives, timely submission of required data and reports, and compliance with all terms and conditions of award.
The continuation application due date for each award can be found in eRA Commons by selecting the Non-Research tab, then the Manage Continuations tab, and searching for the award number.
Recipients must submit a continuation application before SAMHSA can issue an award to fund the next budget period of the project.
An email notification from eRA (sender: era-notify) regarding the continuation application submission will be sent to the Business Official and Project Director. Grant-specific details will be included in these notifications. A copy of this notification can be found on the “Status Information” page in eRA Commons.
- Continuation applications are for the upcoming budget period; therefore, do not include any carryover or supplemental funding associated with the current budget period.
- If you are in the final budget period of your project, a continuation application is not required.
- The continuation application can only be initiated and submitted through the eRA Commons system. You will need to have an active registration; submissions directly through are not supported and will not be accepted.
- Please Note: Effective October 1, 2020 SAMHSA no longer utilizes the HHS Checklist in the grant application kit. This applies to all SAMHSA applications: responses to Notice of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs), post-award amendments, continuations, and supplement applications. The contact information for the Project Director (PD) and Business Official (BO) is now entered on the SF424 form, please see Entering SF-424 Contact Information for detailed instructions.
Additional Guidance
- Attachment A: Continuation Application Package (PDF | 202 KB) – provides specific instructions regarding the continuation application.
- Attachment B: How to Submit Continuation Applications through eRA Commons (PDF | 2.4 MB) – provides instructions on how to access and submit the continuation application via eRA Commons.
SF-424A for Continuation Applications
The following documents provide guidance on completing the SF-424A Form – Budget Information (PDF | 1.5 KB) for matching and non-matching programs:
- Guidance on Completing the SF 424A Form – Budget Information - MATCH Not Required (PDF | 310 KB)
- Guidance on Completing the SF 424A Form – Budget Information - MATCH Required (PDF | 398 KB)
Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification
You must upload the Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification to the “Budget Narrative” tab in eRA Commons.
SAMHSA Budget Template
To expedite review of your application, it is recommended you use the SAMHSA budget template below to complete the Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification for submission with your application.
- SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF | 1.2 MB) – If you need accessibility assistance when using this file, please contact
Note: To download the SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF):
- Right-click the link "SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF)"
- Select "save link as" and save to a location on your computer
- Go to the saved location and open the "SAMHSA Budget Template (PDF)"
For SAMHSA to view all of your budget data, you must convert the PDF to a non-editable format by PRINTING TO PDF before submission.
IMPORTANT: For the PDF template to function as designed, it must be opened directly in Adobe Acrobat or Reader instead of the browser.
The following documents provide guidance on using the budget template:
- Key Features of the Budget Template (PDF | 261 KB)
- Budget Template User Guide (PDF | 3.5 MB)
- Budget Review Checklist (PDF | 329 KB) – use this checklist to review your Detailed Budget and Narrative Justification before submission to SAMHSA.
For a Section 508 accessible budget template, please use the MS Word DOCX budget template:
- Sample Budget Template – NON-MATCH (DOCX | 74 KB)
- Sample Budget Template – MATCH REQUIRED (DOCX | 96 KB)
- SAMHSA Budget Template Guidance (PDF | 453 KB)
Sample Budgets
The following PDFs are samples of Detailed Budgets and Narrative Justification:
- Video on how to submit a Continuation Application (6 minutes, 31 seconds)
- Roles in eRA Commons (PDF| 261 KB)
- Instructions on how to add or update accounts in eRA Commons (PDF| 203 KB)
- Instructions on how to request Signing Official (SO) access for eRA Commons (PDF| 192 KB)
- Instructions on how to edit and delete a returned Continuation Application (PDF | 672 KB)
- eRA Service Desk for any technical questions regarding the application submission process.
- Grants Management Specialist for budget-related questions.
- Government Project Officer for programmatic questions.