CSAT GPRA Modernization Act Discretionary Services Tools
Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) discretionary services grant programs respond to the critical need to address gaps in treatment capacity. CSAT provides tools for its discretionary services programs to collect data that comply with the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010.
The discretionary services grant programs created in 1998 respond to the critical need to address gaps (unmet and emerging needs) in treatment capacity. Responding to treatment capacity problems includes addressing the needs of communities with serious emerging drug problems and developing innovative solutions to unmet needs.
Within each of the targeted populations are subgroups, including racial and ethnic minority groups, homeless individuals, and persons living with HIV/AIDS.
CSAT Discretionary Services Data Collection Tools
These tools are for all grantees except the Pregnant and Postpartum Women (PPW) program grantees.
These tools are for all grantees except PPW program grantees.
- Spanish GPRA Tool (PDF | 172 KB, DOC | 1.3 MB)
- Spanish GPRA Instructions Question-by-Question (Q-by-Q) (PDF | 428 KB, DOC | 310 KB)
Other Languages
These tools are for all grantees except PPW program grantees.
- Bengali GPRA Tool (PDF | 250 KB)
- Cape Verdean Creole GPRA Tool (PDF | 366 KB, DOC | 212 KB)
- Haitian Creole GPRA Tool (PDF | 312 KB, DOC | 95 KB)
- Hindi GPRA Tool (PDF | 816 KB, DOC | 312 KB)
- Korean GPRA Tool (PDF | 606 KB, DOC | 295 KB)
- Portuguese GPRA Tool (PDF | 366 KB, DOC | 461 KB)
- American Samoan GPRA Tool (PDF | 408 KB, DOC | 1.4 MB)
- Traditional Chinese GPRA Tool (PDF | 616 KB, DOC | 256 KB)