CSAT GPRA Modernization Act PPW Tools
The cross-site evaluation uses several tools to measure treatment outcomes on women and their minor children in the Pregnancy and Postpartum Women (PPW) discretionary services grant program. As mandated by Congress, the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) uses this information to document and report achievement of Request for Applications goals.
Pregnancy and Postpartum Women (PPW) program grantees must use cross-site evaluation measures to collect data on women and their minor children who participated in treatment over the three-year life of the project. Grantees must collect data following intake and at discharge for up to twelve months. Much of the data required for the assessments are routinely collected by the grantees as part of their own project management efforts.
Cross-Site Evaluation Goals
The cross-site evaluation seeks to show that from treatment intake to treatment discharge there has been:
- A decrease in the use and/or abuse of prescription drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs among pregnant and postpartum women across the projects
- An improvement in mental and physical health and in family functioning by women and minor children in these projects
- A decreased involvement and intent for involvement in crime, violence, and abuse of all kinds, both as victims and perpetrators
- An improvement in the quality of women and minor children's lives as they relate to health, social functioning, and environmental support
- A decrease in barriers to accessing treatment resulting in women's early entry into treatment in the first trimester of their pregnancy and a decrease in barriers to accessing project-related services
Cross-Site Evaluation Tools
Grantees must use common data collection tools to ensure comparability of data gathered across projects. In addition, CSAT gathers data periodically from project staff to document changes that may have occurred in the interventions.
- Adolescent Childhood Developmental Assessment Guide (PDF | 42 KB)
- Allen Barriers to Treatment Instrument (PDF | 35 KB)
- BASIS-32 and BASIS-24 from the McLean Hospital BASIS Plus
- Child Data Collection Tool (PDF | 153 KB)
- Children's Discharge Tool (PDF | 65 KB)
- Child Well-Being Scales and Rating Form from the Child Welfare League of America
- CRAFFT Screening Test (PDF | 32 KB)
- Ferrans and Powers Quality of Life Index
- Medical Record Audit (Women and Children) (PDF | 44 KB)
- Middle Childhood Developmental Assessment Guide (PDF | 39 KB)
- Women's Discharge Tool (PDF | 63 KB)