
Grants.gov Credential Guidelines and Password Reset

The Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) is a Grants.gov role assigned to the individual with the authority to sign grant applications and the required certifications and/or assurances that are necessary to fulfill the requirements of the application process. An organization must have both the AOR login credentials for Grants.gov and an individual with the SO role in eRA Commons in order to submit an application. The SO must login to eRA Commons, access ASSIST, search for the pending application(s), and submit the application using the AOR’s credentials. The username has to be correct, the password must be current and the account has to hold the AOR role.

The below error may be encountered if the credentials entered in ASSIST are not for an individual with the Grants.gov AOR role or their password needs to be reset.

Error: The credentials entered do not match those in Grants.gov. We are unable to process your application at this time.


  • AORs must continue to use their Grants.gov username and password to submit their applications. Login.gov credentials are not supported for submission at this time.
  • If you are unable to submit using your Grants.gov username and password for your organization, please login to Grants.gov and go to the MyAccount section and reset your Grants.gov password.

If you are receiving 'The credentials entered do not match those in Grants.gov' error message when submitting your application through ASSIST, please review the following guidelines to be able to submit your application:

  • Manually type your AOR Grants.gov credentials (do not use the browser's prepopulated data).
  • Login to Grants.gov to make sure the password hasn't expired / Reset the password in grants.gov.
  • The Login.gov credentials that are currently used to access Grants.gov are not the same as the AOR Grants.gov credentials and are currently not accepted at the time of submission.
  • The Grants.gov credential used to submit the application must NOT be the EBiz account. You must create an account and assign the AOR role from the EBiz account in grants.gov. (Please contact grants.gov support for assistance creating the AOR account).
  • Make sure the Grants.gov account used has the AOR role assigned. You can check this by logging into grants.gov, click on My Account (top right), click on Manage Profiles, then Review the Role(s) column.
  • If the AOR role is present on the account, and the grants.gov password was reset, please check the DUNS# (or UEI#) from the SF424 form on the application and the DUNS# (or UEI#) in the grants.gov account. The DUNS# (or UEI#) must match in both places.
  • If the DUNS# matches between the application and the Grants.gov account but the error persists, please attempt to reset the password in Grants.gov and create a password that is less than 30 characters.
  • Wait 15 minutes between attempts when submitting the application so it is not blocked by Grants.gov, (an attempt may be blocked after 3 unsuccessful attempts in succession)
  • Keep in mind that the error is returned by Grants.gov and SAMHSA and the eRA Service Desk agents do not have access to Grants.gov systems to be able to assist with accounts related issues, nor are able to discern if data entry errors have been made on the user's part when attempting to submit through ASSIST.

All the above recommendations are possible reasons why your submission attempt might be blocked by Grants.gov.

Grants.gov AOR Reset Password

If your Grants.gov password is linked to Login.gov, go to the My Account page in the top right corner of the Grants.gov banner and click the Change Password tab under My Account.

If you have not yet linked your Grants.gov account to Login.gov, you will be given an opportunity to reset your password during the linking process.

  1. Click the Login.gov button on the Grants.gov login screen
  2. Create your Login.gov account and you will be redirected to the "Link to Grants.gov Account" page.
  3. Click the Forgot My Password link that is located on the right side of the screen the Username and Password fields.
  4. Enter your username in the Username field.
  5. Enter the email address associated with your username in the Email Address field.
  6. Select how you want to receive the temporary code (via email or mobile phone) to reset your password. Users who have not added mobile number to their account profile will not see this option and will automatically receive the temporary code via their account email address.
  7. Click the Continue button.
  8. Enter the Temporary Code that was sent to the email address or mobile phone number associated with your account, then click Continue. (Note: If you do not receive the code, click the Resend Temporary Code button.)
  9. Enter your new password and confirm it was entered correctly by re-typing it into the New Password Confirm field.
  10. Click the Submit button to complete the password reset process.

Grants.gov webpage with four tabs; Change Account Details, Change email Address, Change Password, Manage profiles; the Change Password tab is selected.
A box below the tabs is labeled with the instruction ‘Please complete the fields below to change your password:’ and contains stacked fields for ‘Old Password: (Case Sensitive),’ ‘New Password: (Case Sensitive),’ ‘New Password Confirm: (Case Sensitive)’ which are covered by a red X mark to indicate that these should be left blank.

Grants.gov Help Desk
Grants.gov Reset Password

Last Updated: 08/19/2024