
988 Day: Faith in Action Weekend
Need Support Now?
988 offers 24/7 judgment-free support for mental health, substance use, and more. Text, call, or chat 988. Access for Deaf/HoH and Spanish speakers.
During the weekend of September 6-8, 2024, HHS encouraged faith organizations to celebrate the first observance of 988 Day by incorporating the 988 theme, “No Judgment. Just Help,” into their regular religious observances.
- 31% of U.S. adults say they would feel extremely or very comfortable talking about their mental health with a spiritual or religious leader, according to the Pew Research Center. Faith leaders serve in a unique position to provide a platform for awareness and education campaigns about 988, suicide, mental health, and substance use disorders.
- The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a direct connection to immediate and free support and resources for anyone in crisis. And it works. Since the launch of 988, counselors have answered more than 10 million calls, texts, and chats.
What You Can Do on the 988 Faith in Action Weekend
Answer the call to action to promote awareness about 988, suicide prevention, and behavioral health support as a faith leader or faith community. Below are some ideas:
- Share these key points on 988 at your place of worship:
- A person dies by suicide every 11 minutes.
- 988 offers 24/7 judgment-free support for mental health, substance use, and more. Text, call, or chat 988.
- 988 is an easy-to-remember number that is providing greater access to life-saving services.
- Anyone—a person in crisis, or someone supporting a person in crisis—can reach 988 in the United States through any cell phone, land line, computer, or voice-over internet device.
- You are not alone. There is no judgment; just help and it is available when you text, call or chat 988.
- Show a 988 PSA video before, during or after your community gathering.
- Download images or a poster and include 988 in your bulletin or handout; post an image or banner for 988 on your homepage or social media channels; or post them in your place of worship. The 988 Partner Toolkit has many ready-made options for you.
- Encourage your congregation to wear purple and/or teal to increase awareness about suicide prevention and 988 during your worship service.
- When posting photos on social media to promote 988, use the hashtag #988dayfaithinaction to showcase how you're participating in the Faith Weekend of Action for 988.
988 Faith in Action Additional Resources
- SAMHSA has developed resources to help faith and community partnerships talk about the important issue of mental health with their communities.
- Specifically focused on suicide prevention, the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention's Faith Communities Task Force created Faith.Hope.Life. to provide a few helpful information, communication tools, prayer and sermon guides, and recommendations that diverse faith communities in the United States can avail themselves to support suicide prevention.
- The HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships developed guides to help faith and community partners address mental health and suicide prevention. These include guides on mental health (PDF | 6.8 MB) and youth mental health (PDF | 9.3 MB), as well as a guide for faith leaders to help prevent youth suicide (PDF | 15.1 MB).
- SAMHSA and the HHS Center for Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships also have the below videos, photos, and materials to support faith leaders and faith communities to increase awareness about 988, suicide prevention, mental health and well-being, substance use, and behavioral health.
- Faith-Based 988 Photos in the SAMHSA 988 Partner Toolkit
- Frequently asked questions about 988
- 988 PSA videos to increase awareness about 988 in your community:
Last Updated
Last Updated: 08/30/2024