988 Day Digital Toolkit
Watch the 988 Day Social Wall to see how people around the country are participating.
The 988 Day Digital Toolkit is a comprehensive resource designed to support the observance of 988 Day on September 8. This toolkit aims to galvanize the suicide prevention and mental health community around a central message and call to action to promote the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The toolkit includes a variety of assets and guidelines to help partners, grantees, crisis centers, and community leaders effectively engage their audiences and amplify the message of "No Judgment. Just Help."
This printable fact sheet explains the basics about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and why 988 is vital for communities everywhere. It also answers some frequently asked questions about 988.
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988 Factsheet (English PDF | 367 KB)
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The 988 Day logo is designed to help raise awareness of 988 and emphasize the importance of accessible, competent mental health services.
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988 Day Logo – White (PNG | 41 KB)
988 Day Logo – Dark (PNG | 42 KB)
El logotipo del Día del 988 está diseñado para ayudar a crear conciencia sobre el 988 y resaltar la importancia de tener servicios de salud mental accesibles y competentes.
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Spanish 988 Day Logo – White (PNG | 264 KB)
Spanish 988 Day Logo – Dark (PNG | 274 KB)
These stickers help publicize the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline.
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Download in English (PDF | 215 KB)
Download Printer-ready file in English (PDF | 158 KB)
Estas calcomanías para redes sociales de color rosa de 2" x 2" con el mensaje "No Sólo ayuda. Sin Juzgar." ayudan a dar a conocer la 988 Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis. Las calcomanías para redes sociales ahora están disponibles como gráficos digitales que se pueden compartir.
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Download in Spanish (PDF | 288 KB)
Download Printer-ready file in Spanish (PDF | 173 KB)
988 Clings - Version 1
988 Clings - Version 2
These “No Judgment. Just Help." clings help publicize the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. These cling designs are available as digital and print-ready various file formats so you can print at a location or website of your choice.
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988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Version 1 (EPS | 1.1 MB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Version 1 (PDF | 439 KB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Version 1 (PNG | 108 KB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Version 2 (EPS | 1.3 MB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Version 2 (PDF | 627 KB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Version 2 (PNG | 252 KB)
988 Clings - Spanish Version 1
988 Clings - Spanish Version 2
Estos adhesivos para redes sociales con el mensaje "Sólo ayuda. Sin Juzgar" ayudan a dar a conocer la 988 Línea de Prevención del Suicidio y Crisis. Estos diseños de adhesivos están disponibles en varios formatos de archivo digitales y listos para imprimir para que puedas imprimirlos o colocarlos en el sitio web que elijas.
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988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Spanish Version 1 (EPS | 1.1 MB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Spanish Version 1 (PDF | 81 KB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Spanish Version 1 (PNG | 125 KB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Spanish Version 2 (EPS | 1.1 MB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Spanish Version 2 (PDF | 127 KB)
988 Social Clings – No Judgment. Just Help. Spanish Version 2 (PNG | 162 KB)
This zip file contains high-resolution 988 Day branded photographs designed to help you raise awareness of 988 in creative and meaningful ways within your community.
Use these images to enhance your campaigns, social media posts, and other outreach efforts, ensuring a strong visual impact and effective communication of the 988 messaging.
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988 Day Branded Photography Hi-Res (ZIP | JPGs | 84.3 MB)
988 Day Branded Photography Low-Res (ZIP | JPGs | 2 MB)
Este archivo zip contiene fotografías de alta resolución del Día del 988 diseñadas para ayudarte a dar a conocer el 988 de forma creativa y significativa en tu comunidad.
Utiliza estas imágenes para mejorar tus campañas, publicaciones en redes sociales y otros esfuerzos de difusión, garantizando un fuerte impacto visual y una comunicación eficaz del mensaje del 988.
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988 Day Branded Photography in Spanish Hi-Res (ZIP | JPGs | 96.2 MB)
988 Day Branded Photography in Spanish Low-Res (ZIP | JPGs | 2.2 MB)
Share these social media graphics to raise awareness and promote 988 Day.
Post Copy - LinkedIn/Facebook: 9/8 marks the inaugural 988 Day! This annual event is dedicated to spreading awareness of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and emphasizing the importance of mental health support. Use #988Day to share how the #988Lifeline is about “No Judgment. Just Help.” See how you can participate: Samhsa.gov/988Day.
Post Copy - Instagram: 9/8 marks the inaugural 988 Day! This annual event is dedicated to spreading awareness of the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and emphasizing the importance of #mentalhealth support. Use #988Day to share how the #988Lifeline is about “No Judgment. Just Help.” See how you can participate: Samhsa.gov/988Day. #mentalhealthawareness #suicideprevention
Post Copy - X/Threads: 9/8 marks the inaugural 988 Day! This annual event helps spread awareness of the #988Lifeline & emphasizes the importance of #mentalhealth support. Want to get involved? Share content using #988Day to help spread the word & visit Samhsa.gov/988Day to learn more.
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988 Day Social Media Graphic – Join Us, Instagram (PNG | 167 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Join Us, X/Threads (PNG | 152 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Join Us, Facebook/LinkedIn (PNG | 139 KB)
Comparte estos gráficos de redes sociales para generar conciencia y promover el Día del 988.
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988 Day Social Media Graphic in Spanish – Join Us, Instagram (PNG | 175 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic in Spanish – Join Us, X/Threads (PNG | 161 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic in Spanish – Join Us, Facebook/LinkedIn (PNG | 148 KB)
Share these social media graphics to raise awareness and promote 988 Day.
Post Copy - LinkedIn/Facebook: Mark your calendars: 9/8 is the first annual #988Day! Be part of the movement happening nationwide to promote the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline and mental health support. Find more information about 988 Day and how you can get involved: samhsa.gov/988Day #988Lifeline
Post Copy - Instagram: Mark your calendars: 9/8 is the first annual #988Day! Create positive buzz about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by sharing photos and reels using the theme "No Judgment. Just Help." Learn more on 988 Day at samhsa.gov/988Day #988Lifeline
Post Copy - X/Threads: 9/8 is the first annual #988Day! Join us in creating positive buzz about the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline by sharing the theme "No Judgment. Just Help.” Learn how to get involved: samhsa.gov/988Day #988Lifeline
Download & Share
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Mark Your Calendars, Instagram (PNG | 186 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Mark Your Calendars, X/Threads (PNG | 140 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Mark Your Calendars, Facebook/LinkedIn (PNG | 133 KB)
Share these social media graphics to raise awareness and promote 988 Day.
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988 Day Social Media Graphic – Announcement, Instagram (PNG | 1 MB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Announcement, X/Threads (PNG | 786 KB)
988 Day Social Media Graphic – Announcement, Facebook/LinkedIn (PNG | 742 KB)
Learn how to participate in the 988 Day: Faith in Action Weekend.
Download and share the 988 Day Faith in Action Flyer (PDF | 772 KB).
This zip file contains high-resolution 988 Day branded photographs in faith settings designed to help you raise awareness of 988 in creative and meaningful ways within your community.
Use these images to enhance your campaigns, social media posts, and other outreach efforts, ensuring a strong visual impact and effective communication of the 988 messaging.
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