Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry

Report on Safer Social Media and Online Platform Use for Youth
Report on Safer Social Media and Online Platform Use for Youth
The report provides a summary of the risks and benefits of social media on the health, safety, and privacy of young people; best practices for parents and caregivers; recommended practices for industry; a research agenda; and suggested future work, including for the federal government.

Building Healthy Relationships with Media: Essential Skills for Children 10 and Younger
Children build media habits and preferences from a very young age. These practical strategies build balance, critical thinking, self-regulation, and safety skills for toddlers through elementary school-aged children.
Additional Resources
Additional resources are available through the SAMHSA-funded Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health, run by the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Social Media Shareables
Post Copy - All Platforms: The Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force, co-led by SAMHSA and the NTIA, released a new report today with recommendations and best practices for safer social media and online platform use for youth. Read more:
Post Copy - All Platforms: Parents, caregivers, pediatricians, teachers, coaches, and other trusted adults in a child’s life ALL have a critical role in supporting the social and emotional development of children—including the use of social media. The Kids Online Health and Safety Task Force has released a new report with best practices and recommendations:
Alt-text: A graphic that reads "New Report: Online Health and Safety for Children and Youth: Best Online Practices for Families and Guidance for Industry."
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Post Copy - All Platforms: We talk to kids about street & swimming safety, but there are also safety rules for the digital world. Check out these new resources for information and educational resources that youth, parents, educators, and others who help youth can use to assist youth navigate social media.
Post Copy - All Platforms: Wondering how to talk to your children or students about social media? The SAMHSA-funded Center of Excellence on Social Media and Youth Mental Health has resources that provide timely guidance for youth on how to use digital media and manage their presence online:
Alt-text: A graphic that reads "New Resources for Families - Building Healthy Relationships with Media: Essential Skills for Children 10 and Younger & Conversation Starters for Families of Tweens and Teens."
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Post Copy - All Platforms: Young people are going to use social media and other online platforms. Check out these resources to encourage parents and caregivers to have open and collaborative communication about their child’s online use:
Post Copy - All Platforms: Children build media habits and preferences from a very young age. It’s important that they know both the benefits and the risks of being online. Check out these new resources for strategies, recommendations, and best practices to help build balance, critical thinking, self-regulation, and safety skills for toddlers through elementary school-aged children:
Alt-text: A graphic with pictures of example activity cards and text that reads "Print and try some of these fun skill-building activities with your kids."
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