ReCAST: Resiliency in Communities After Stress and Trauma
The purpose of this program is to assist high-risk youth and families and promote resilience and equity in communities that have recently faced civil unrest through implementation of evidence-based violence prevention, and community youth engagement programs, as well as linkages to trauma-informed behavioral health services.
The Goals of ReCAST
- Building a foundation to promote well-being, resiliency, and community healing through community-based participatory approaches
- Strengthening the integration of behavioral health services and other community systems to address the social determinants of health
- Creating more equitable access to trauma informed community behavioral health resources
- Ensuring that program services are culturally specific and developmentally appropriate
Current and Prior Grantees
Successes of ReCAST 2016-2023
- Trained 19,072 members of the mental health workforce
- 98,660 community stakeholders trained in trauma-informed approaches, including violence prevention, and mental health literacy
- 90,057 youth, young adults, and family members provided with high-quality trauma-informed mental health services
- 7,734 partnerships established among city and community agencies to support high-risk youth and their families

This report highlights lessons learned from SAMHSA’s ReCAST grant program to uplift the voices of communities impacted by violence as well as share strategies other communities can implement to promote healing, recovery and resiliency.
Contact Us
Point of Contact
Jess Leopold, LCSW-C, Public Health Advisor, jessica.leopold@samsha.hhs.gov
Alisa Santucci, M.S., LCMFT, Chief, Disaster Behavioral Health Branch, alisa.santucci@samhsa.hhs.gov
Last Updated
Last Updated: 06/15/2023