PCSS - Cohort Three
PCSS-Universities grantees can offer information and guidance on strategies and considerations for integrating core curriculum.
Arizona State University Waiver Expansion (AWE) curriculum includes the first part of MOUD training through the AWE program during students’ second year in the Doctorate in Nurse Practitioner (DNP) program. The curriculum is mandatory for all second-year students. The rest of the hours can be completed through, the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) which is encouraged for all and mandatory for Family and Mental Health specialties. The students have the opportunity to shadow Physicians and NPs who prescribe MOUD as part of their routine practice, then they can spend a full clinical rotation with practitioners to become more familiar with how to assess patients for substance abuse disorders and to implement treatment plans using MOUD. There is a requirement to complete an additional 40-hours of supervised clinical experiences in the third year of the DNP. Third year students who complete the basic MOUD training may satisfy 24 of those required 40 hours of additional supervised clinical experience using a MOUD treatment site.
Contact Information: 855-278-5080; customerservice@asu.edu
University of California, San Francisco has been working with UCSF curriculum leadership to identify spaces to implement ASAM-approved curriculum. The project completed a mapping of the curriculum to identify every course or clerkship in which patients currently receive any teaching about individual and structural factors associated with substance use, complications of substance use, diagnosis of substance use disorder, and treatment of substance use disorders and complications from substance use. The project collaborated to produce a 2-hour course on the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder and taught it for the first time to a group of GME learners. Distributed over 200 doses of naloxone to medical students for reversal of opioid overdose in the community.
Contact Information: 415-353-7192
This project supports the development and implementation of a nursing education curriculum to teach future Advance Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) to prescribe medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD), with the aim of increasing the number of APRNs providing MOUD within their practice. The targeted population of learners includes future APRNs studying at the UCSF School of Nursing, plus nursing faculty supervisors and preceptors.
The University of California, San Francisco curriculum includes a new course, N280: Closing the Opioid Treatment Gap via Nurse Activation that is MOUD training; American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) standard curriculum. The first 8 hours of content are online. The remaining 16 hours is a mix of different events: two case conferences with discussion of MOUD cases with a focus on equitable access to MOUD care; Clinical shadowing experience in clinical practice settings; reading and writing reflection assignment; and an online video assignment. A new course was added to the course catalogue as a standard part of the nursing curriculum which is an elective for non-nursing students. The new course influenced other courses to include information related to SUD/OUD including identifying and treating OUD among people living with HIV (N242D HIV Complex Clinical Management Seminar), inclusion of SUD treatment content for students in the rural health concentration (N217C Care of Rural Populations 1), and content on substance use screening and brief intervention for adolescents (N238B Child/Adolescent Behavioral and Mental Health Conditions).
Contact Information: The UCSF School of Nursing (SON), 415-476-1435
Western University of Health Sciences provides MOUD training through their Pharmacology course. Western University of Health Sciences also created the MAT the Game which is an interactive learning assessment. Students are assigned a unique username and enter a gamified arena through a web browser. Through 10 distinct stages in the environment, the participants learn how a simple event (patient fall) can lead to a substance abuse disorder. The milestones in the game include recognition of the condition, awareness of attitudes, referral patterns, and successful patient outcomes. The Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP) students receive at least 125 hours of substance abuse training and clinical experience.
Contact Information: 909-623-6116
The Touro University of California curriculum includes an Interprofessional OUD Fellowship where fellows work on OUD projects in the local community; Community Narcan Training; Opioid Use Disorder Training Development and Launch - Case-study based training for Medicine, Pharmacy, Physician Assistant, and Nursing program students with panel discussions, OUD training for outreach events, and training to use in a peer led training setting; Planning and implementation of an Annual Solano County Substance Use Disorder Symposium – provides training opportunities for community providers (8 hours); Elective MOUD Training through PCSS; Community Narcan Training: in-person; developed a 1 credit interprofessional elective course which includes the 8 (or 24-hours) of MOUD Training; and Fellows create trainings for variety of different specialties to learn about OUD.
The education hours include an Annual Solano County Substance Use Disorder Symposium: 8 hours; Fellowship: 20 hours; and an elective MOUD course: 8-hours or 24-hours. The populations trained include both health professional students (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine, Physician Assistant Studies, and Nursing) at Touro University California and community members that reside in Solano County with a significant number of community members from Vallejo.
Contact Information: 707-638-5200; info@tu.edu
The TEAM-MAT-UI program is a collaboration between the University of Iowa (UI) Department of Psychiatry in conjunction with the Carver College of Medicine (CCOM). The program includes expanded pre-clinical training; PCSS MOUD trainings; Each clerkship welcomes the incorporation of a mandatory addiction medicine session during their core clerkship including Emergency Medicine, Psychiatry, and Obstetrics-Gynecology.
All Carver College of Medicine (CCOM) medical and PA students currently spend time in the Addiction Medicine Clinic (half day) and the emergency room (ER) providing clinical exposure to buprenorphine. These experiences are required during psychiatry and emergency medicine core clerkship rotations. A CCOM undergraduate curriculum was approved as the previous DATA waiver training. The Class of 2025 and beyond graduates with the required MOUD training complete. Cohorts graduating in before 2025 do not qualify right away, so the project will continue to offer trainings once a month to meet MOUD training requirement.
Contact Information: University of Iowa, Roy J. and Lucille A Carver College of Medicine, Department of Psychiatry, 319-335-6707
The University of Kentucky curriculum includes MOUD Training: Psychosocial Factors in Primary Care course – pre-clinical class that includes the first 8 hours of MOUD training; class during clinical year, students complete remaining 16 hours of MOUD training and upload completion as an assessment; Pathways to a Healthier Kentucky continuing medical education conference; Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Standardized Patient Assessments; Students can voluntarily shadow at the University of Kentucky’s First Bridge Clinic, an outpatient SUD treatment clinic; Students are required to complete rotations in Psychiatry, Internal Medicine, Family Medicine, Emergency Medicine, Women’s Health, Pediatrics, and Surgery.
Contact Information: 859-257-3339
University Of Maryland Baltimore utilizes the PCSS-MOUD Training (previous DATA Waiver Training), 4 hours of content including harm reduction education, primary care for OUD, inpatient management, and transitions of care for OUD, pain management and OUD, and local resources; and Direct patient care experiential learning. The ABLE Initiative team has laid the foundation for institutional change in the approach to OUD education and training at the University of Maryland School of Medicine Baltimore (UMB). First, they created and gained IRB approval for a protocol to conduct a needs assessment, as well as a mechanism for student evaluation of future program activities. Secondly, they conducted a needs assessment with program directors from across the health professional programs and summarized our findings. They utilized the needs assessment to design a training schedule for the 2022-2023 academic year to ensure all health professional students at the University of Maryland complete required hours for MOUD training completion.
Sustainability Highlight: The grantee communicates that they utilized the successes of the grant to receive private funding for an Addiction Institute, Kahlert Institute for Addiction Medicine, that will funded for the next approximately seven years. The grantee indicates that grant was catalytic to the development of the Institute!
Contact Information: 410-706-3100
Saginaw Valley State University features an innovative scaffolding approach helping Family Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner students become more knowledgeable, confident, competent, and ready to provide MOUD to patients across Michigan. Through a didactic, virtual simulation and concluding with a live simulation collaborating with persons in long-term recovery students build their skills and confidence to practice. The integration of persons in long-term recovery, those with lived experience provides an environment rich with authenticity for the students’ practice. Students have shown significant improvement across domains of knowledge, attitudes toward providing MOUD, confidence, competence, and readiness to provide MOUD services. The students are placed in a treatment setting where they have an opportunity to shadow physicians, PAs, and NPs who are providing treatment, including MOUD for OUD.
Contact Information: 898-964-4000
The program developed a curriculum to improve the training around OUD for our UM School of Nursing (UMSN) APRN programs and UM Flint Physician Assistant Program (UMPA). The grantee has built upon the successful UM Medical School (UMMS) curriculum that was created using the SAMHSA PCSS-U grant UMMS received in 2018.
The online PCSS MOUD Training is provided at both the PA and MD programs. Also included are NP buprenorphine management case discussion; Clinical Education Elective (currently at MD and NP programs; APRN and PA programs: interprofessional learning opportunities to observe the management of OUD in a variety of settings with multidisciplinary teams; NP program: case-based buprenorphine discussion, an opioid best practices course, a comprehensive material on motivational interviewing, Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), harm reduction, and common comorbidities in OUD.
The MOUD training is a required and fully integrated curricular component in the MD and PA program plans. Medical student completion of the MOUD training was integrated into a required course for students during a previously funded SAMHSA grant. The PA program has integrated the 24-hours of required training into the first year of their program.
Contact Information: University of Michigan School of Nursing, 734-764-7185 and University of Michigan – Flint, 810-762-3300
The project created an abbreviated 30-minute workshop that highlights the critical knowledge needed to prescribe buprenorphine through the emergency department (ED). The project delivered this abbreviated buprenorphine training lecture to residents. In addition, a 30-min lecture on alternative dosing strategies for buprenorphine has also been created for more advanced training on buprenorphine standard dosing, micro-dosing, and macro-dosing. The project has volunteer medical students, and an Emergency Medicine (EM) resident who created seven simulation scenarios to teach medical and surgical residencies on harm reduction, communication strategies, MOUD initiation, alternative dosing strategies for MOUD, and identifying and mitigating complications from SUD.
Contact Information: 732-445-INFO
Seton Hall University has allowed the training of future clinicians to prescribe MOUD services for individuals with an opioid use disorder (OUD). The first three-year grant enabled the development and implementation of an interprofessional MOUD training program embedded in the curriculum in the three schools. Seton Hall is engaging in partnership with Monmouth University to train their nurse practitioner and physician assistant students, anticipating that 1,000 students will be MOUD trained after graduation and be more prepared to address healthcare disparities and the opioid epidemic. This MOUD program consists of 24 hours of didactic training for nurse practitioner and physician assistant students and 8 hours for medical students, followed by 10 hours of clinical training at Hackensack Meridian Health Carrier Clinic in Belle Mead, New Jersey, and Jersey Shore University Medical Center in Neptune, New Jersey. Seton Hall MOUD training addresses health disparities and social determinants of health of underserved, vulnerable populations, including those living in urban communities with high mortality rates due to overdose.
Contact Information: 973-761-9000
The University of New Mexico (UNM) Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Health MOUD training was approved by American Academy of Addiction Psychiatry (AAAP). There are two parts, an 8-hour training and a tailored shadowing experience scheduled at UNM Addiction and Substance Abuse Programs (ASAP). The MOUD training has been solidified in the curriculum for the following NP concentrations: Psychiatric, Family, and Midwifery. When pediatric residents rotate through their Adolescent Medicine block, a decision was made to offer the MOUD training specifically during their adolescent medicine rotation.
Contact Information: University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center, 505-272-5849
Albert Einstein College of Medicine project includes delivering required ‘in-person’ MOUD trainings for all fourth-year medical students (MS4s) as part of the medical school’s ‘Transition to Internship’ course that is changing from elective to required curricula. The project faculty are on track to develop three new case-based learning sessions on MOUD for medical students, including 4.5 hours of required course content that has already been implemented. The project created a new 3-hour ‘Stigma and Addiction’ teaching session for all first-year medical students (MS1s) as part of their ‘Health Equity/Health Systems’ course. The teaching session includes an introductory lecture on stigma as a multi-dimensional barrier to addiction treatment, a patient panel about lived experience of addiction stigma, and a small group activity to identify and reframe stigmatizing language in medical documentation. It also includes a 1.5-hour ‘Approach to Alcohol Use Disorder’ teaching session on alcohol withdrawal management and treatment initiation for all third-year medical students (MS3s) as part of their ‘Intersessions’ course.
Contact Information: 718-430-2000
The project curriculum includes the MOUD Training for Medical Students, Nurse Practitioners or Physician Assistants on Medications for Opioid Use Disorders (PCSS-MOUD).
Each group of students completing the course also receives at least 2 hours of live training and case discussion with expert trainers. Clinical shadowing/preceptor opportunities have been identified at Winston-Salem State University (WSSU). An Addiction Medicine Fellowship at East Carolina University (ECU) Brody School of Medicine also exists.
The 24-hour MOUD training has been integrated into the standard curriculum at both sites, ECU and WSSU. The training occurs during the first year at ECU and the second year at WSS. 24-hour MOUD training required for all students, except Nurse Midwifery program requires initial 8 hours.
Contact Information: 919-990-9559
The University of North Carolina Wilmington curriculum is the PCSS MOUD training online. Psychiatric mental health nurse practitioners (PMHNP) complete during their Advanced Psychotherapeutics course. Family nurse practitioners (FNP) complete during their Adult Health course. There are three MOUD patient care simulations: role model non-stigmatizing, patient-centered care by a nurse practitioner, and simulations that are pre-recorded videos. Students have the opportunity to shadow a MOUD provider. The training is a pass/fail assignment that must be completed by all students prior to the student progressing to the next course.
Contact Information: 910-962-3000; contact@uncw.edu
Northeast Ohio Medical University has identified system gaps that may result in errors and recommend solutions to reduce risk and to provide optimal patient care. The project created modules that demonstrate familiarity with routine clinical and procedural skills. At the end of the modules, students are able to demonstrate preparedness for the patient care role in the clerkship settings where they will provide care for patients under supervision activities called Introduction to SUD in the Pain Management curriculum, Evaluation of Activity: Pre-Survey on Attitudes and Confidence BEFORE the session. Students demonstrate interpersonal and communication skills that result in the effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families and health professionals.
Contact Information: 800-686-2511
The Graduate Medical Education on Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder curriculum is MOUD training through PCSS, online, asynchronous, 8 or 24-hours. OSU-CHS second-year residents are obligated to attend the training as part of their core curriculum for Graduate Medical Education (GME). There is a Foundations in Addiction Medicine course; PA students must attend addiction lectures in their didactic year; OSU-CHS offers an addiction fellowship with the National Center for Wellness and Recovery of Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences.
Contact Information: 918-582-1972
The University of Pennsylvania has implemented a student shadowing opportunity in Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)-integrated primary care clinics for all medical students in year 2 to provide a hands-on learning environment to supplement classroom learning. Additional community-based harm reduction shadowing opportunities are available for learners and clinicians if interested. The MOUD training includes hybrid (half in-person, half virtual), online asynchronous; training: 8 hours, divided into two, 4-hour sessions (or 24 hours for Nurse Practitioners (NP).
Contact Information: Perelman School of Medicine, 215-662-4000;
University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing, 215-898-8281
University of The Sciences of Philadelphia utilizes the PCSS MOUD (formerly Waiver) Training. Students in the MOUD training program go through a total of 24 hours of instruction focused on treatment for patients with SUD. This can include training modules that teach students how to identify SUD and what can be done to help treat patients, or guest speakers who have experience with SUD firsthand. Students also spend time in treatment facilities observing as professionals treat patients with SUD.
Contact Information: 610-660-1000
Thomas Jefferson University utilizes the PCSS MOUD (formerly DATA Waiver) Training. The goal of this project is the development of an effective training program that will deliver graduating physicians who are with the delivery of comprehensive care for individuals suffering from Opioid Use Disorder. The project developed standardized scripted materials used by simulated patients during objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) presentations, identifies faculty who deliver supporting video materials, initiates pilot-testing of newly developed educational materials, and commences formal training procedures.
Contact Information: 215-951-2800
University of South Carolina at Columbia provides 8-hour PCSS MOUD training as a part of their intensification course during the last week of school, as well as offers a two-week substance use disorder recovery (SUD-R) summer elective. Students meet the Greenville/Pickens County Drug Court Judge to learn about diversion and recovery programs. Their third-year medical students are required to shadow MOUD providers as a part of their internal medicine clerkship. Speakers include those who lost loved ones to overdose and those in long-term recovery. Students spend time shadowing MOUD providers, harm reductionists, learn about drug policies, and advocating for best practices for patients who use drugs. The University of South Carolina at Columbia collaborates with Faces and Voices of Recovery (FAVOR) Greenville - 1st year medical students are required to attend a recovery meeting.
Contact Information: 803-216-3625
The Baylor College of Medicine Buprenorphine Education Among Residents and (Medical) Students (BCM BEARS) curriculum includes PCSS Half and Half MOUD training (live and online/asynchronous). The half-day addiction experience is within the required psychiatry clerkship, pairing each student on the clerkship with an addition psychiatrist’s outpatient addiction medicine clinical session, including provision of MOUD services; Addiction medicine 2- week clinical elective; and the screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) that is a component of the Patient, Physician and Society (PPS) course. The project focuses on medical school students, family medicine, and psychiatry residents.
Contact Information: 713-798-4951
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston utilizes the PCSS MOUD (formerly DATA Waiver) Training. The project offers training during the Transition to Residency Course, which includes an approved set of required and elective courses that help medical students gain knowledge and training necessary for transitioning to clinical practice specialty focus during residency. Students are given instructions on how to complete the rest of the 16 hours if needed through ASAM. Psychiatry residents have outpatient and inpatient addiction treatment rotations as part of their regular training. Students are also given the opportunity for shadowing experiences related to SUD.
Contact Information: 713-500-4HSC
The University of Washington Regional Buprenorphine Training Program has been utilizing a revamped version of the buprenorphine waiver training, based on the PCSS-U curriculum, with much success. Thus far, 124 medical students have been trained during their capstone trainings, and over 100 Internal Medicine residents. The focus of the program is medical school students and residents.
Contact Information: 206-897-INFO (4636); 866-897-INFO (4636); uwmedicine.org; Harbor View Medical Center Information: 206-744-3000
Behavioral Medicine and Patient Management courses include information on SUDs and chronic pain management. Students experience a graded mock patient encounter with patients in acute opioid withdrawal. The PCSS MOUD training is optional. The focus of the program is Physician Assistant students.
Contact Information: 206-543-3101; familymedicine.uw.edu; University of Washington MEDEX Northwest Physician Assistant Training Program: 206-616-4001; medex@uw.edu
The project is a collaboration between all three medical schools in West Virginia, the Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, West Virginia University School of Medicine (WVU), and the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine (WVSOM), with support from the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. The project works to increase the number of educated providers who can provide MOUD by imbedding MOUD training into the standard or elective medical school curriculum. Marshall University utilizes the PCSS MOUD training online.
Contact Information: jcesom@marshall.edu; 304-691-1700