The Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Center provides comprehensive and intensive TTA to SAMHSA-funded IECMH Grants and Project LAUNCH (Linking Actions for the Unmet Needs in Children’s Health) Grants.
Supports focused resource development and dissemination, T/TA, and workforce development to staff in Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)-certified nursing facilities who serve individuals with Serious Mental Illness, Serious Emotional Disturbance, Substance Use Disorder, or Co-occurring Disorder.
Supports information sharing, training, and technical assistance towards the goal of promoting behavioral health equity via a network of community-based organizations focused on the mental health and substance use issues of diverse racial and ethnic communities.
Engages, empowers, and educates health care providers and community-based organizations for equity in behavioral health for older adults and their families.
Provides educational resources and TA across the continuum of prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery to reduce the impacts of opioid and stimulant misuse across the country and the developmental lifespan. Promotes trauma-informed, culturally-relevant, and evidence-based services to SOR/TOR recipients, health care providers, states, Tribes, and community-based organizations.
Provides T/TA and educational resources for healthcare practitioners, families, individuals, states, and communities on various privacy statutes and regulations as they relate to behavioral health data on HIPAA, 42 CFR Part 2, and other behavioral health privacy topics.
The Crisis Systems Response Training and Technical Assistance Center (CSR-TTAC) provides support to states, territories, tribal organizations, and community partners across the 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline network and behavioral health crisis continuum of care. The goal of the CSR-TTAC is to support a crisis care system that is integrated, sustainable, equitable, and aligned around evidence-based and evidenced-informed practices.
Advances bi-directional and promotes full integration of primary physical and behavioral health care by providing high quality, evidence-informed T/TA to a national audience, including health systems, health care providers, members of the public, and recipients of Promoting the Integration of Primary and Behavioral Health Care grants, with a specific focus on the Collaborative Care Model.
Increases access to, and effectiveness of, evidence-based mental health services for young people and their families, supports Children’s Mental Health Initiative grantees, and provides T/TA and resources to providers, organizations, and agencies from across the system of care.
Improves implementation and delivery of effective substance use prevention interventions and provides T/TA services to the substance misuse prevention field, which includes prevention practitioners and the public.
Expands community services for adults who are in the criminal justice system and experiencing a mental and/or substance use disorder. Provides information and skills training to help individuals, organizations, and states implement effective, integrated programming.
Develops and maintains the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (the Network), a collaborative network structure, supports resource and policy development and dissemination, and coordinates the Network’s national child trauma education and training efforts.
Increases access to Social Security Administration (SSA) disability benefits for eligible adults and children who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, medical impairment, and/or a co-occurring substance use disorder.
Expands the availability of training in evidence-based housing and treatment models focused on adults, children, and families who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness and have a serious mental illness, serious emotional disturbance, substance use disorders, or co-occurring disorders.
Builds national capacity for preventing suicide by providing T/TA and resources to assist states, tribes, organizations, and individuals to develop suicide prevention strategies (including programs, interventions, and policies) that advance the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, with the overall goal of reducing suicides and suicidal behaviors in the nation.
Supports the MFP program (grants to organizations for fellowship administration in the fields of marriage and family therapy, nursing, professional counseling, psychiatry, psychology, social work, addiction treatment, and addiction medicine), enhances the careers of the MFP Fellows, and documents MFP program impacts.
Provides T/TA for federally recognized tribes and tribal organizations, SAMHSA tribal grantees, and selected American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) communities and tribes to develop and implement a Tribal Action Plan. Helps AIAN communities build local capacity around substance use disorders, suicide prevention, and mental health using a culturally relevant, evidence-based, holistic approach.
Helps states and territories develop effective, responsive behavioral health systems for SMVF through public/private collaboration among federal, state/territorial, and local agencies. Helps states and territories establish operational interagency teams that develop strategic plans to improve behavioral health systems for SMVF via Policy Academies and Implementation and Leadership Academies.
Supports national and regional activities focused on the delivery of effective substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services by preparing tools for the specialized behavioral health and primary care workforce and providing TA to provider organizations to improve their processes and practices.
Provides national T/TA to child welfare, dependency court, and substance use treatment professionals to improve the safety, stability and recovery outcomes for children, parents, and families affected by substance use and co-occurring mental disorders and child abuse or neglect.
Enhances the capacity of physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, nurses, pharmacists, and substance use disorder (SUD) counseling professionals to identify and treat individuals using Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved medications for alcohol use disorder (MAUD).
Trains health professionals to provide effective, evidence-based, medication treatments to patients with opioid use disorder in primary care, psychiatric care, substance use disorder treatment, and pain management settings.
Coordinates SAMHSA and Administration for Community Living T/TA initiatives, facilitates dissemination of substantive information to the 57 state protection and advocacy systems, provides each federal agency with full representation opportunities for adequate discussions and consideration of its interest and concerns, and enhances each agency’s ability to monitor emergent issues and problems in the field.
Grows the capacity of healthcare providers and organizations that serve refugee and migrant people in the US. Provides T/TA that is culturally relevant, language-relevant, resiliency focused, and trauma-informed.
Develops and disseminates culturally-informed, evidence-based behavioral health information and provides T/TA on issues related to addressing behavioral health disparities in AA, NH, and PI communities.