CCBHC State Technical Assistance Center Resources
What is a CCBHC? – The National Council for Mental Wellbeing’s CCBHC Success Center provides an overview of the CCBHC model – how they work, how they’re funded and the positive impact they have demonstrated in communities across the country.
2024 CCBHC Impact Report – This updated report from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing presents new data showing the impact of the CCBHC model on improving wellbeing and transforming mental health and substance use care across the US.
2022 CCBHC Impact Report – This report from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing outlines data showing how CCBHCs are having tremendous success in tackling the dual mental health and substance use crises in America.
Sustaining Statewide Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Programs – This brief, authored by the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) and funded by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, draws on interviews with current and former Medicaid leaders to explore potential lessons for how states can plan for CCBHC sustainability.
Transforming State Behavioral Health Systems (PDF | 3.1 MB) – This report summarizes the impact of implementing CCBHCs across eight states participating in the CCBHC demonstration program, highlighting the CCBHC model’s ability to increase the workforce, as well as increase the number of individuals receiving care.
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics: A Vision for the Future – This Vision Paper was developed by the National Council for Mental Wellbeing for stakeholders to learn how the CCBHC model can be leveraged by clinics, policymakers, partner organizations and the private sector to re-think access to mental health and substance use treatment and care in America. This paper is the National Council’s vision for how CCBHCs can fully realize the model’s promise.
The Role of CCBHCs in Crisis Services and Systems – This paper provides guidance for developing policies, funding collaborations and making other crisis system improvements that harness the power of CCBHCs to improve statewide access to high-quality behavioral health crisis response.