Disaster Technical Assistance Center (DTAC)

Implementation and Management of Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Programs

States, federally recognized tribes, and U.S. territories with funding awarded for the Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program (CCP) are required to follow program guidelines and meet expectations regarding training, data collection and evaluation, and program reporting. Program staff must abide by the requirements contingent upon the issued grant (Immediate Services Program [ISP] or Regular Services Program [RSP]). Resources to aid CCP staff in successful program operations are included below.

Immediate Services Program (ISP)

  • Core Content Training – CCP trainers should use these resources when delivering the Core Content Training during the first few weeks of the CCP and on an ongoing basis for newly hired crisis counselors.
  • “Just in Time” Training – For reference at the start of an ISP or RSP and on an ongoing basis for newly hired crisis counselors, this online training provides a quick overview of the CCP and the skills needed to provide behavioral health services after a disaster.
  • CCP Management Training Course – For reference before or during CCP implementation, this online training provides program administrators and managers with an overview of key concepts and suggestions for program planning.

The collection and evaluation of data is an important aspect of efficient program management. Using the Online Data Collection and Evaluation System (ODCES), and its data forms, is essential to track a program’s progress and development over time.

Throughout an ISP, program management staff must submit a mid-program report (when preparing and submitting an RSP application), a final program report, and a financial status report.

Regular Services Program (RSP)

  • Core Content Training – CCP trainers can use these resources to plan and deliver this required training during the first few weeks of the CCP and on an ongoing basis for newly hired crisis counselors. This training is to be provided if the RSP is the only grant awarded to the state, territory, or tribe.
  • Transition to RSP Training – CCP trainers can use these resources to plan and deliver this required training following RSP grant award.
  • RSP Midprogram Training – These resources can be used to provide this training, which is required within 3 to 6 months of an RSP grant award.
  • Disaster Anniversary Training – This training is required several weeks before the anniversary of a major disaster event.
  • RSP Phasedown Training – This training is required of CCPs within the final 6 to 8 weeks on an RSP grant.
  • CCP Management Training Course – This training provides program administrators and managers with an overview of key concepts and suggestions for program planning.

The collection and evaluation of data is an important aspect of efficient program management. Using the Online Data Collection and Evaluation System (ODCES), and its data forms, is essential to track a program’s progress and development over time.

For the RSP, program management staff must submit quarterly and final reports with budget information.

Last Updated: 10/17/2024