Community Outreach and Education Resources for Providers
Resources on identifying signs and symptoms of ESMI, outreach, and the development of referral pathways to help youth access services.
Psychosis Risk: What Is It and How Should We Talk About It? (PDF | 76 KB)
AMA Journal of Ethics
This paper discusses the lexical complexities of the at-risk status for psychosis and considers ethical and policy challenges that researchers and clinicians face in disclosing, preventing, and treating psychosis risk.
Sharing information about diagnosis and outcome of first-episode psychosis in patients presenting to early intervention services
Early Intervention in Psychiatry
This study examines the attitudes, practices, and views of clinicians working in early intervention services about sharing information on the diagnosis and outcome of FEP.
Educating Communities to Identify and Engage Youth in the Early Phases of an Initial Psychosis (PDF | 8.2 MB)
This manual provides program staff with background materials, methods, and case examples to implement community outreach and education, as developed by the Portland Identification and Early Referral (PIER) program.
First Episode Psychosis Initiatives
This webinar provides an overview of coordinated specialty care (CSC) – a recovery-oriented, team approach to treating early psychosis – and focus on how to have a statewide approach and then discusses the elements of a successful early detection of psychosis campaign.
Understanding and Addressing the Stigma Experienced by People with First Episode Psychosis (PDF | 746 KB)
This brief outlines the stigma people with FEP often face and how this stigma can be diminished.
Outreach for First Episode Psychosis (PDF | 7.8 MB)
This information brief presents outreach strategies identified through multiple interviews with state and agency personnel, along with suggestions for outreach to community stakeholders to engage them in early identification and referral.
Supporting Students Experiencing Early Psychosis in Middle School and High School
This webinar describes strategies to: identify and support students with psychosis in schools, provide educational accommodations and modifications to facilitate school success, understand and address safety concerns, and partner across students, families, and community mental health providers to support treatment and recovery for students experiencing psychosis.
Care Pathways and Initial Engagement in Early Psychosis Intervention Services Among Youths and Young Adults
JAMA Network
This study aims to understand factors associated with referral from acute hospital-based settings into initial engagement in early psychosis intervention (EPI) services.
Steps and Decision Points in Starting an Early Psychosis Program
This guide walks through the steps and decisions involved in establishing a new early psychosis program and describes core elements of Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC), which is considered the current standard of practice for early psychosis intervention.
Coordinated Specialty Care for First Episode Psychosis Manual I: Outreach and Recruitment (PDF | 3.6 MB)
This manual provides examples of practical tools and materials that can be used for outreach and referral activities for Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) programs. The manual also includes case narratives that highlight the experiences of the Recovery After an Initial Schizophrenia Episode Implementation and Evaluation Study (RAISE-IES).
Leading State Priorities and Considerations for Youth Crisis Receiving and Stabilization Facilities
National Academy for State Health Policy
This report focuses on how states are supporting the behavioral needs of youth via youth-specific crisis-receiving and stabilization facilities.
Partnering with the Justice System to Improve Outcomes in Coordinated Specialty Care
This webinar provides an overview of the prevalence of justice system involvement among CSC program participants, describes ways in which CSC programs can better support these participants, and describes strategies for outreach and partnering effectively with the criminal justice system.
Early Detection of Psychosis in Jails (PDF | 2.5 MB)
This toolkit is designed to guide mental health and criminal legal system practitioners in developing partnerships to reduce treatment delays for people with early psychosis through improved early detection in jails.