Upcoming Webinars
Learn about the new ESMI TTA Center webinars underway! More information about the webinars and their registration links will be added closer to the webinar dates.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
This one-hour webinar will provide an overview of tools and strategies for stepped care in CHR-P programs. Stepped care is a treatment approach that starts with a baseline level of care and increases the intensity of care depending on how an individual responds. This webinar will describe at what points in the treatment process to assess treatment response and what measures to use to determine treatment response and make decisions around increasing the level of care.
Featured Presenters and Panelists
- Nicholas Breitborde, Ph.D., ABPP, Professor and Director, Early Psychosis Intervention Center (EPICENTER), The Ohio State University
- Rebecca Jaynes, LCPC, Program Supervisor, Psychosis Identification and Early Referral (PIER) Community Hope and Resources for Psychosis, MaineHealth
- Sarah Lynch, LCSW, Program Manager, Psychosis Identification and Early Referral (PIER) and Resilience, MaineHealth
- Jessica Makin, M.S.W., Program Administrator, Transition-age Youth & Employment Supports, Utah Office of Substance Use and Mental Health
- Daniel I. Shapiro, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Sacramento CHR Intervention for Psychosis Stepped-Care (SCIP Step) Program, University of California Davis
Save the date for Early Serious Mental Illness and Substance Use.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Suicide Prevention Best Practices for Clinical High Risk for Psychosis/First Episode Psychosis.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Cognitive Health in the Coordinated Specialty Care Context.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Role of Peers in Early Serious Mental Illness Context.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Early Serious Mental Illness Program Transitions.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Stepped-Care Intervention for Pre-Psychosis: Findings from the First Cohort of Clinical High Risk for Psychosis Grantee Program.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Developmentally Appropriate Shared Decision-Making Tools.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Save the date for Crisis Services and CHR-P/FEP.
Time: 12 - 1 p.m. ET
Past Webinars
Missed one of the ESMI TTA Center webinars? Access past webinar recordings and materials here.
This webinar provided an introduction to the ESMI TTA Center. SAMHSA leadership and key staff members from the ESMI TTA Center team presented on the need for the center, its purpose and goals, and the resources available through the center including opportunities for training and technical assistance.
Featured Presenters
- Anita Everett, M.D., DFAPA, Director, CMHS, SAMHSA
- Preethy George, Ph.D., Abram Rosenblatt, Ph.D., and Joanne Angosta, Ph.D., ESMI TTA Center Leadership Team, Westat
Download the webinar slides (PDF | 3.3 MB)
View the webinar (31 minutes, 43 seconds)
This webinar session provided an overview of clinical high risk for psychosis, addressed key considerations and challenges in program implementation, and discussed available technical assistance resources to support clinical high risk for psychosis programs.
Featured Presenters and Panelists
- Jason Schiffman, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Clinical Training, University of California, Irvine
- Elaina Montague, Ph.D., Program Director/Team Leader, Supporting Wellness for Adolescents & Young Adults (SWAY), Zucker Hillside Hospital
- Kaelin Large, LCSW, Early Psychosis Programs Coordinator, Alliance Healthcare Services
Download the webinar slides (PDF | 4.3 MB)
View the webinar (1 hour)
This session provided an overview of approaches for screening, diagnosis, and risk assessment in CHR-P programs, discuss referral pathways, and highlight considerations for co-occurring conditions. Subject matter experts and SAMHSA CHR-P grantees will identify challenges, practical solutions, and resources to advance CHR-P programming.
Featured Presenters and Panelists
- Barbara Walsh, Ph.D., Clinical Director, PRIME Clinic, Yale University
- Sue Ricigliano, M.A., Project Director, NJ-PROMISE (CHR-P), New Jersey Department of Children and Families
- Benjamin LaMendola, LCSW, Program Coordinator, CarePlusNJ CHR-P Clinic
- Emily Gagen, Ph.D., Director, Massachusetts Psychosis Access and Triage Hub, Brookline Community Mental Health Center
- Amanda Weber, Ph.D., Director, CEDAR Clinic
Webinar Recording and Slides coming soon.