SMVF TA Center Upcoming Events
SAMHSA’s SMVF TA Center would like to welcome you to attend any of our upcoming events.
Through a variety of events each month, the SMVF TA Center promotes increased awareness of resources and promising, best, and evidence-based practices to strengthen SMVF behavioral health care systems. Some events are geared towards the general public, while others are closed events for specific initiatives and audiences. Session information can be found below.
For questions related to upcoming TA events, please email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Time: 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Join us for an insightful and comprehensive webinar dedicated to addressing the economic stability of service members, Veterans, and their families (SMVF). According to the Blue Star Families Annual Survey, nearly 30 percent of non-retired post-9/11 Veterans reported unmet needs related to employment and career development, and 20 percent reported needs regarding housing services. Additional economic challenges mentioned were topics such as food insecurity, childcare, license portability, and employment for spouses. In general, economic stability is an issue not only for those who served but also those who are currently serving. This session will explore critical areas such as employment opportunities; financial resources; SSI/SSDI, Outreach, Access, and Recovery (SOAR) for Veterans; and housing solutions, providing valuable information and resources to support maintaining or achieving economic stability among the SMVF community. An opportunity for Q&A will follow the presentations, providing you with the chance to engage directly with the subject-matter experts.
This webinar will be followed by a learning community series exploring each of these topics in greater detail. If you are interested, you can get further information via upcoming issues of our monthly “Topics in the News” or from our website’s Upcoming Events page.
Intended Audience: This event is open to the public
Time: 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Registration Closed
This Learning Community Series will provide participants an opportunity to learn in a small group and interactive setting. The objectives of this learning community are to (1) Receive an in-depth overview of PTSD, TBI, and moral injury (2) Examine these different types of invisible wounds and learn about different treatments and practices to support recovery from them, and (3) Identify resources available that are specifically tailored for SMVF
Topic: Session 3 of 3: Moral Injury
Intended Audience: Individual interested in supporting the SMVF community in regard to PTSD, TBI, and Moral Injury
Time: 2 - 3 p.m. ET
*Registration Limited* This event is limited to current Governor’s Challenge and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders. To request to be added to the distribution list for this event, please email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Team leader calls are designed to provide technical assistance support specifically for team leaders of the Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenges through a monthly 1-hour virtual meeting.
Topic: Enhancing Economic Stability for Veterans: Strategies for Financial Security and Employment Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Community of Practice (CoP) meetings are designed to strengthen technical assistance support for Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge workgroup leaders and members. CoPs meet monthly to (1) Increase knowledge about suicide prevention best practices related to each specific priority area, (2) Facilitate team-to-team sharing of insights and suicide prevention strategies, and (3) Inspire practice improvement ideas and innovations across teams.
Topic: VA Annual Report and Lethal Means Safety, specifically Safe Storage Conversations with Family Members
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team members
Time: 2 - 3 p.m. ET
*Registration Limited* This event is limited to current Governor’s Challenge and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders. To request to be added to the distribution list for this event, please email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Team leader calls are designed to provide technical assistance support specifically for team leaders of the Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenges through a monthly 1-hour virtual meeting.
Topic: Governor’s Challenge Sustainability Toolkit
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Community of Practice (CoP) meetings are designed to strengthen technical assistance support for Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge workgroup leaders and members. CoPs meet monthly to (1) Increase knowledge about suicide prevention best practices related to each specific priority area, (2) Facilitate team-to-team sharing of insights and suicide prevention strategies, and (3) Inspire practice improvement ideas and innovations across teams.
Topic: Regional Breakouts
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team members
Time: 2 - 3 p.m. ET
*Registration Limited* This event is limited to current Governor’s Challenge and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders. To request to be added to the distribution list for this event, please email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Team leader calls are designed to provide technical assistance support specifically for team leaders of the Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenges through a monthly 1-hour virtual meeting.
Topic: Leadership Breakouts
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Community of Practice (CoP) meetings are designed to strengthen technical assistance support for Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge workgroup leaders and members. CoPs meet monthly to (1) Increase knowledge about suicide prevention best practices related to each specific priority area, (2) Facilitate team-to-team sharing of insights and suicide prevention strategies, and (3) Inspire practice improvement ideas and innovations across teams.
Topic: Sustainability Toolkit
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team members
Time: 2 - 3 p.m. ET
*Registration Limited* This event is limited to current Governor’s Challenge and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders. To request to be added to the distribution list for this event, please email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Team leader calls are designed to provide technical assistance support specifically for team leaders of the Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenges through a monthly 1-hour virtual meeting.
Topic: Highlighting the Michigan Veteran Connector program, excellent best practice for Priority Area 1 and 2.
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders
Past Events
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Registration Closed
Community of Practice (CoP) meetings are designed to strengthen technical assistance support for Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge workgroup leaders and members. CoPs meet monthly to (1) Increase knowledge about suicide prevention best practices related to each specific priority area, (2) Facilitate team-to-team sharing of insights and suicide prevention strategies, and (3) Inspire practice improvement ideas and innovations across teams.
Topic: Postvention Resources for Suicide Loss Survivors
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team members
Time: 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Registration Closed
Community of Practice (CoP) meetings are designed to strengthen technical assistance support for Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge workgroup leaders and members. CoPs meet monthly to (1) Increase knowledge about suicide prevention best practices related to each specific priority area, (2) Facilitate team-to-team sharing of insights and suicide prevention strategies, and (3) Inspire practice improvement ideas and innovations across teams.
Topic: Regional Breakouts
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team members
Time: 2 - 3 p.m. ET
*Registration Limited* This event is limited to current Governor’s Challenge and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders. To request to be added to the distribution list for this event, please email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Team leader calls are designed to provide technical assistance support specifically for team leaders of the Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenges through a monthly 1-hour virtual meeting.
Topic: Leadership Breakouts
Intended Audience: Governor’s and Mayor’s Challenge team leaders
Time: 2 - 3:30 p.m. ET
Registration Closed
This Learning Community Series will provide participants an opportunity to learn in a small group and interactive setting. The objectives of this learning community are to (1) Receive an in-depth overview of PTSD, TBI, and moral injury (2) Examine these different types of invisible wounds and learn about different treatments and practices to support recovery from them, and (3) Identify resources available that are specifically tailored for SMVF.
Topic: Session 2 of 3: Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Intended Audience: Individuals interested in supporting the SMVF community in regard to PTSD, TBI, and Moral Injury