Resources and Publications
Learn about the newsletter, fact sheets, and best practice resources developed to support service members, veterans, and their families.
The Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance (SMVF TA) Center publishes Topics in the News, a monthly e-newsletter with up-to-date information on behavioral health issues important to service members, veterans, and their families. It also contains information about upcoming webinars, new studies, and other newsworthy items.
Join the SMVF TA Center email list to receive the e-newsletter and other emails from the SMVF TA Center.
Best Practice Resources
The SMVF TA Center also develops resources that highlight promising, best, and evidence-based practice resources across its network. These materials help stakeholders stay up to date on current evidence-based programs and practices for service members, veterans, and their families.
Best practice resources guide conscientious and explicit decision-making about the care of communities and populations by providing the best available scientific evidence. Practices are defined in the following ways:
- Evidence-based Practice: A program, activity, or strategy with the highest degree of proven effectiveness via research and evaluation.
- Best Practice: A program, activity, or strategy that has been shown to work effectively and produce successful outcomes, which includes field testing and limited evaluation.
- Promising Practice: A program, activity, or strategy that has worked within one organization and shows promise for becoming a best practice.
To access resources, email smvftacenter@prainc.com.
Find resources designed to help states and territories improve behavioral health services for members of the military, veterans, and their families.
The Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance (SMVF TA) Center offers TA resources addressing many of the critical issues that military and veteran families face.
Materials include information on trauma, depression, homelessness, and justice system involvement. TA resources also address suicide prevention and the impact of substance misuse on the psychological distress of military life and combat.
Learn how deployment and trauma-related stress can impact military families, particularly children.
Access the following TA resources:
- Diverse Populations
- TA Tools for Action, such as toolkits, fact sheets, and other resources
- Recorded webinars on issues facing service members, veterans, and their families
- Other Virtual Technical Assistance