State and Territory Interagency Teams
Learn how state and territory interagency teams work together to improve behavioral health systems serving service members, veterans, and their families.
States and territories that participate in SAMHSA’s SMVF Policy Academy build teams comprised of both civilian and military leaders who have the ability and authority to influence and implement state-level policy changes. These interagency teams work to develop and implement a strategic plan for enhancing behavioral health systems serving active members of the military, veterans, and their families.
Essential Team Members
Essential members of interagency teams typically include:
- A team leader, appointed by the Governor, who serves as the point of contact throughout the Policy Academy and Implementation Academy process
- Senior level representatives from:
- State agencies responsible for substance abuse and mental health services, such as a Single State Authority
- State Suicide Prevention Coordinator
- National Guard, such as the Adjutant General or Director of Psychological Health
- State Department of Veterans Affairs
- State Provider and Peer Specialist Workforce Training Lead
- Leadership from Veteran, Military Family, and Caregiver Organizations
- Private sector provider and peer support leadership from programs serving the health and behavioral health needs of Service Members, Veterans, and their families
- Data and evaluation lead
- Mayor's Challenge Team Leader (if appl.)
- Federal Representatives
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Veterans Integrated Service Network (VISN) representative serving your state, such as Chief Mental Health Officer
- VA Suicide Prevention Coordinator
Additional Suggested Team Members
SAMHSA encourages states and territories to consider the needs of its service members, veterans, and their families in selecting other members for its interagency team. Examples include leaders from:
- National Guard Suicide Prevention Coordinator
- The public and private sectors in labor and employment, criminal justice, housing and homelessness, primary care, substance abuse and mental health services (including suicide prevention), and child and family issues
- Reserve Affairs
- State Legislators
- Federally recognized tribes
- Public school systems
- Crisis response system lead
- Faith-based communities
- Community Veterans Engagement Board (CVEB) Leader
- DoD Building Health Military Communities leader
- Academic partners: colleges and universities
- State Hospital Association
- SMVF advocacy groups and social/public health organizations or coalitions
- Service Members, Veterans, and their Families and Caregivers Peers