Site Visits and Expert Consultations
Site visits and expert consultations support states, Tribes, and territories working to address the behavioral health of service members, veterans, and their families.
Technical assistance offered by the Service Members, Veterans, and their Families Technical Assistance (SMVF TA) Center can include site visits—both onsite and virtual—and telephone consultations with subject matter experts. These activities focus on specific needs of state, Tribe, and territory interagency teams.
Site Visits
The SMVF TA Center offers both onsite and virtual technical assistance to its interagency teams. During site visits, SMVF TA Center staff and its faculty of national subject matter experts works with teams on successfully applying and adapting best practices based on their current environment and needs. With professionally led help, teams develop action plans to help them accomplish their priorities and goals for improving behavioral health systems serving service members, veterans, and their families.
Expert Consultations
The SMVF TA Center also connects state, Tribe, and territory interagency teams with subject matter experts to address specific questions and topics via telephone.
Periodically throughout the year, the SMVF TA Center releases a catalog, or “menu,” of technical assistance experts to its interagency teams. The catalog lists experts alongside their respective expertise by topic. Experts and topics are selected based on the expressed interests of interagency teams.
To access the list of current consultations available, email smvftacenter@prainc.com.