Prevention Training Now!
Welcome to the SPTAC’s Prevention Training Now!
Explore our library of online, interactive training modules specifically designed to support substance misuse prevention practitioners in their prevention efforts.
Training Information
All modules are free and accessible at any time. All you need is a computer or mobile device with a stable internet connection. No additional software is required—our modules operate through your internet browser (we recommend the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, or Safari).
To begin, simply select the desired module from the list below. As our library expands, more modules will become available.
Upon completion of each module, you are eligible to receive a Certificate of Completion. Follow the instructions provided at the end of the module to claim your certificate.
Module Features
- Duration: Each module is self-paced and designed to take about one hour to complete. Please note that your progress will not be saved if you exit before finishing. To ensure you receive your certificate, we recommend completing the module in one sitting.
- Gated Activities: Some activities within the modules are gated; this means you will need to complete these activities before moving on.
- Multimedia Accessibility: Some modules include short videos to enhance your learning experience. Each is accompanied by a transcript for accessibility.
Need Assistance?
If you encounter any technical issues or have questions, please email SPTAC@edc.org.
Stay Updated
Our collection of prevention training modules is continually expanding. We encourage you to visit regularly to discover new and updated training opportunities.
Module Library
This module provides foundational information on behavioral health disparities and health equity. Completion of this module is an essential starting point for equity-centered substance misuse prevention work. This module also provides an important foundation for upcoming SPTAC modules, including What Is the SPF? and a series of step-specific trainings.
Seat Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Define behavioral health, disparities, social determinants of health (SDOH), and health equity.
- Identify and describe the five domains of SDOH.
- Recognize the structural and systemic factors responsible for unjust differences in SDOH and related behavioral health disparities.
- Explain the importance of making behavioral health disparities and their root causes visible.
- Explain the importance of establishing prevention activities to help address behavioral health disparities and their causes at multiple levels of influence.
This interactive module provides an introduction to SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF). It explores the benefits of implementing a strategic planning process; describes each of the SPF’s five steps—Assessment, Capacity, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation; and examines its two guiding principles. It is an excellent introduction for practitioners new to the field of prevention.
Seat Time: 1 hour
Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe the five steps of SAMHSA’s Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF): Assessment, Capacity, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation
- Identify and describe the SPF’s two guiding principles: Equity and Sustainability
- Explain the importance of moving through the SPF process with a commitment to cultural humility, cross-sector collaboration, and data-informed decision-making
- Recognize that the SPF is a dynamic, responsive, and iterative process
This interactive module offers prevention practitioners a chance to explore key elements of conducting a needs assessment. As the first step of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), this is where prevention teams seek to understand the needs and strengths of their communities, as well as their communities’ capacity to address identified problems. Taking time to conduct a careful assessment is the foundation for eventual program success.
Seat time: 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Articulate the meaning and importance of promoting authentic community engagement from the very start of the SPF process
- Define and describe how to identify the priority problem a prevention initiative will address
- Define and describe how to determine which risk and protective factors are influencing this problem at the local level
- Define and describe how to explore local capacity to address this problem and these factors
- Recognize the value of integrating the guiding principles of equity and sustainability throughout the assessment process and ways to do so
This interactive module offers prevention practitioners a chance to explore key elements of capacity building. As the second step of the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), this is where prevention teams begin to mobilize the resources and readiness needed to address the substance misuse and related behavioral health problems facing their communities. The module explores capacity building at both the prevention team and broader community levels.
Seat time: 1.5 hours
Learning Objectives:
By the end of this training, participants will be able to:
- Identify and describe two ways to strengthen the capacity of their prevention planning team
- Explain how to set and work towards achieving strategic goals for building community readiness to address prevention priorities
- Identify four levels of collaboration and describe how activities at each level can help teams mobilize community resources to address prevention priorities
- Identify and describe ways to center equity in communication and collaboration activities
- Recognize how centering equity in communication and collaboration activities can support both capacity-building and sustainability efforts