Strategic Prevention Technical Assistance Center (SPTAC)

Prevention Collaboration in Action Toolkit

Stories of Success and Tools to Help You Get There

Effective prevention requires the involvement of multiple players, working together to address complex problems. This toolkit showcases some of the exciting ways prevention professionals are collaborating across communities and behavioral health fields to prevent substance use and misuse and promote overall health and wellness in their communities.

Read the grantee collaboration success stories and discover the factors that contributed to collaboration success. Then explore the toolkit's tools and worksheets, designed to help you initiate, strengthen, and maintain collaborative relationships in your own community.

Grantee Success Stories

image of two native men smiling at camera

For United Indian Health Services, Community and Culture is Prevention

arkansas success story banner

Making Prevention a Community Effort in Rural Arkansas

Carolina Success Story banner

Partnering with Purpose in the Carolinas

community voices banner

Building Community Voices into Programming

group of people at a ribbon cutting ceremony in idaho

In Rural Idaho, Prevention is Everywhere

Planning Strategically in Rhode Island

Planning Strategically in Rhode Island

Collaboration Tools

We understand that every collaborative relationship is unique and will grow in its own way. To address the evolving needs of practitioners, the tools and worksheets in this toolkit are organized by five essential building blocks for successful collaborations. If you are new to collaboration, explore tools included under the first element—Understanding the Basics. If you are already collaborating with partners, browse the elements that correspond with where you are in the collaboration process. This just-in-time approach lets you access the information you need to move your prevention efforts forward.

Are you interested in collaborating—but still not sure what it's all about? Explore how and why people collaborate, opportunities for collaboration across SAMHSA's Strategic Prevention Framework, and some of the core principles of successful collaboration.

Related Collaboration Tools

Your partners are on board—now what? Before the work begins, think through how your group will function, how decisions will be made, and what partners need to know—about the project and one another—to be productive and stay engaged.

Related Collaboration Tools

Last Updated: 06/07/2023